The world is making progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 7, with encouraging signs that energy is becoming more sustainable and widely available. Access to electricity in poorer countries has begun to accelerate, energy efficiency continues to improve and renewable energy is making impressive gains in the electricity sector. However there is much progress still to be made. By 2030, we need to ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services and double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency.

789 million people – predominantly in sub-Saharan Africa – are living without access to electricity, and hundreds of millions more only have access to very limited or unreliable electricity. It is estimated that only 28% of health facilities have access to reliable electricity in sub-Saharan Africa. In addition, more focused attention is needed to improve access to clean and safe cooking fuels and technologies for 3 billion people.

Naomi Schiff, racing driver, presenter and diversity and inclusion ambassador, is of Belgian and Rwandan descent. She grew up in in Johannesburg, but currently calls Paris home. Naomi started kart racing at the age of 11 and now travels to the world’s finest race circuits as a Formula 1 presenter with Sky Sports and as an ambassador of women’s racing.

Naomi started her learning journey about the importance of creating access to clean and affordable energy, tutored by Fumani Mthembi, Managing Director of Knowledge Pele. 

In early 2022, the class met in person for the first time. Through curiosity, group discussion and reflection, Naomi and the Class learned that small but consistent actions from each of us make a considerable impact as a collective.

Join the movement.

Meet Naomi Schiff

Naomi begins her discovery of SDG 7

We invited Naomi to join the Class of 2030 to focus on SDG 7. Lessons took place online, with a single goal in mind: to give Naomi insight into the SDG to help her understand its relevance in achieving the 2030 goals.

Watch Naomi's story

Naomi reflects on how she found her impact

As a founding member of the Class of 2030, Naomi came to realise that energy poverty is a global issue, even if the country you live in appears to be doing well. The SDG that resonates most with Naomi is gender equality, which as a female racing driver and motorsport presenter, she confronts daily. Naomi believes that it’s possible for us to make small changes in our behaviour and that we are ultimately not alone, but rather in this together, as a community where everyone is qualified to play a part.

Class in session

Learn with Naomi Schiff

Through three online lessons with her tutor, Naomi was exposed to the dimensions of development, global progress in energy consumption over time and the importance of public and private partnerships to effect change. Through starting with who we are and what we’d like to commit to, we can be the change we wish to see in the world.

Watch as Naomi reflects on her learning journey

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Meet the tutor

Fumani Mthembi

Fumani Mthembi is a social entrepreneur and co-founded the Pele Energy Group, South Africa’s largest 100% black-owned independent power production and development company. Within Pele, she is Managing Director of Knowledge Pele, the research and development subsidiary of the Group. Knowledge Pele leverages capital and infrastructure assets for the benefit of underprivileged communities. Through Knowledge Pele, Fumani leads the transformation of these communities into self-sustaining socio-economies, powered by capable people, green infrastructure and clean industries.

Fumani Mthembi
SDG 7: Naomi Schiff - Racing Driver and Presenter

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Investec Global Sustainable Equity Fund

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The Fund’s impact on SDG 7

Our Global Sustainable Equity Fund has an impact rating of 1.67 on affordable and clean energy.

Investec Global Sustainable Equity Fund

Invest in a fund that strives to have a 100% net positive impact, aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Fund’s impact on SDG 7

Our Global Sustainable Equity Fund has an impact rating of 1.67 on affordable and clean energy.

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Investec’s approach to the SDGs

We believe that the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a solid framework for us to assess, align and prioritise our activities. Our strategy is to harness the expertise in our various businesses and identify opportunities to maximise impact by partnering with our clients, investors and various stakeholders to support delivery of the SDGs, and build a more resilient and inclusive world.
